Wednesday, June 29, 2005

4 Months Today

Well 4 months today and we will be getting married. How fun and fast are these months going. It's wonderful and I love it . Nothing else is new. I've just been really busy with work because it's Canada Day Friday which I have off, so all the houses that we clean Friday get shoved in this week and next week. So I've been getting home later and I'm way more tired. But it's work and it's gonna get done.

Matt's been working at his new job for the past 2 weeks and he's loves it. The only sucky part is that I don’t' get to see him a lot cause sometimes our schedules clash. Like today he's worked from 7-3 had a meeting from 3-6 and I just got off of work at 6. (Worked from 7-6) So I won't see him today or tomorrow and I have to wait till Friday. This is poppy. But I know this will all change once we are married which I cannot wait.

Well all for now going in the pool.


Saturday, June 25, 2005

They will say "I Do"

Today is the day that Megan and Caleb will say 'I Do". This will be a day they will both never forget and forever cherish in there hearts. This day will change their lives forever, as they both become one. All the best Megan and Caleb I am so happy and excited to the both of you as you take on this new journey (Matt and I in 4 months)

Also this same day today my big sister Brenda married her husband of 11 years. So this time 11 years ago she was getting ready and excited and wondering "why am I marrying Tom" hahah just kidding. I remember getting ready 11 years ago this day. I was getting excited because my sister was getting married and I got my own room back. ;0) But it's amazing how fast 11 years has gone for Tom and Brenda. And along the way they had 2 beautiful crazy boys. Anywho Happy Anniversary you 2 crazy birds. Enjoy your day and watch you wedding video again.


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Ducky Pj's and sales

It's been a while since I blogged...sorry about that but I've just been busy with work and then I get home and I do more things outside and then mom and dad were gone camping for a week so I had to cut the grass and water all the plants and flowers and keep the house clean. So I really didn't have much time to sit in front of a computer and type but don’t fret I am here now.

I trained a maid this past week and now she will be working fulltime next week. Super happy for her. She was really nice lady and a lot of fun to work with. Speaking of work Matt is finally working now. Thanks be to the Lord. He worked monday and tonight and then he has a night shift tomorrow night and then thursday off and then we work friday and then saturday...IS MEG AND CALEB'S WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really excited about. Finally their wedding day is arriving and I bet they are both so excited. I know am for them I cannot wait. I wish I lived back in ptb so I could see Meg more but I guess there is e-mail which so isn't the same. I miss her lots. Oh I have to get wedding wrapping paper...can't forget to do that.

So tomorrow is another day of cleaning. Only 3 houses but have to wake up at 6 to start cleaning at 7 or so to do that dr's office, them cleaning our houses which are thankfully all in Niagara Falls tomorrow so YEAH!!

Well off to e-mail Matt and then go to bed. He's working tonight from 2-11, so didn't get to see my monkey, oh well no the end of the world. I got lots of shopping done and I got me some fun ducky summer pj's which btw I love. Also got some other things and great shoes that were on sale. :0) I love sale.

The girl that loves sales!!!

Friday, June 10, 2005

I'm going camping now I'm on my way

Well I'm heading out to go camping, in a matter of minutes and I'm super excited. I will be back Sunday night...late. Fun fun double fun.

Off to the wonderful land of sun tanning and swimming I go.


Thursday, June 09, 2005


I can't believe that it's thursday already. Seriously where did my week go?!? I'm kind of not liking this whole "where did my week go" business. It's going too fast, and before you know I'll be the one getting married and counting down the days. BTW it's 142 days till we get married and I know I am still in the 3 digits but I can still count down the days plus, I'm happy! I'm finally getting married to Matty-poo brain. Since we are on the topic of weddings... my wedding band came in the mail (we ordered it from online) and it doens't fit. I'm annoyed. I've lost over 10lbs now and what the ring doesn't fit? What the flying donkey? So it's going back on monday... for a bigger ring size. :0( Oh well glad we ordered them now, not closer to the wedding cause, the good Lord knows that if this happened 2 weeks before the wedding I'd have a bird.

Get this, as you may know who ever reads this I am a horrible speller and I apologize, but get a load of this. I just got Matty-ruffle snuffle to read my first paragraph, and he found lots of spelling errors and I said "well I still have to spell check it" and Matt said " well spell check isn't perfect" BBBOOUUWWAHHH?!? It isn't? How much do I feel like a donkey now? Here I sit and type and type away with many more spelling errors I don't see.

In other exciting news, I'M GOING CAMPING TOMORROW!!! I'm so excited. I love camping and sitting at the campfire, going walking and biking and the best part of all, going to the beach. *sigh* I can't wait just one more sleep.

That is all for now from the desk of Mary.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

This weekend.

Nothing is new and exciting. The weekend was really nice and some what relaxing. Friday Matt and I went to Hamilton to pick up my sister so she should come down this weekend. Then we went shopping there also. Saturday was garage saleing day. Didn't find anything though but apparently we didn't go far enough in Caledonia, which was poopy. Oh well there is always other saturday to go garage saleing. Then after that we came back home and I help my mom and dad plant and water tree's. That's a lot of work and those trees are heavy so I got me a good work out. :0) Also my sister Marlene trimmed and highlighted my hair. Now I'm really blondish and I LOVE IT. This weekend was fun but now it's sunday and I'm thinking now "where has the weekend gone?" This really saddens me. I love my weekends cause sat and sun are the only days that I have off, so I like to do nothing, if I can help it.

So tomorrow I only have 3 houses to clean. YEAH!!!! So I hope to be home at a good time.

Tonight my sister Marlene, mom, Matty and I played rummy and Michigan rummy. Boy is that a lot of fun with my family. I know Matty really enjoyed himself. Glad he's a card/and board game person. Or else this relationship would work. I kid I kid.

But off to zzz zzz land I go.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Well Matty got the job out here in Wainfleet. It's in a group home for handicapped adults. We don't know when we starts but we both hope soon. This also means that we can start looking a our apartment. :0) This is getting so exciting. eeekkk. Well I am off to bed I have a headache and I want to read the book that I got at the library tonight. Looks really good.

Happy and in Love