Friday, April 27, 2007

35 week belly shot

so here is my 35 week belly shot. I'll be taking one more in hospital on wed. Soon you will be looking at baby pic not belly pics :) Only 5 days to go

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

7 days, 1 weeks

Exactly 7 days, from today our twins will be born. Lord willing I have them the same day I get induced and not have a long labor. Who knows. :) Had my last dr and ultrasound today. Babies are great and I am half a cm dialed. Only 9.5 to go. :) For those who don't know how far that isn't very much. But I am still happy that I started dilating on my own. So this is Matt and I's last week alone before these twins come. We have everything now and everything is ready. I still need to pack my over night bag ... which I think I should do that soon...maybe tomorrow, no I am going to pack that tomorrow.

I am feeling very ready to have these babies. Everything hurts and the word comfort doesn't exist in my life anymore. No matter how I lay in bed or how many or little pillows I have I'm still not comfortable. Which is normal for having twins and any kind of pregnancy. But b/c I have 2 of everything in me the weight is that much heavier. But it's all going to be worth it when I meet these twins for the first time. Matt has tomorrow off so we are spending the day together. Doing what? no much since I'm not very mobile and very uncomfortable. Don't have pity on me, I hate when people pity me it just me venting. Matt still makes me laugh and still makes fun of me and I still love him for all of that cause it makes me laugh and I feel better. I do have the BEST husband in the world.

Mommy in T-7 days

Saturday, April 14, 2007

33 week pregnant belly

I didn't think I could grow anymore. 17 more sleeps and you'll be looking at our babies. But for now it's my stretch marked belly :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

19 days...WATCH OUT!

so if you wanna know what's new in the Riker house check out Matt's blog.

I'll post a 33 week pregnancy pic soon

A mommy in 19 days

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Hello Everyone

Yesterday Matt and I went along with my mom, my 2 sisters Brenda and Marlene and my cousin Cindy and went to the Paediatric Cardiologist at Mc Master Hospital in Hamilton to find out what could be wrong with Twin "a's" heart. I was there for almost 2 hours on the ultrasound table, ( this isn't uncommon for me for ultrasound taking so long cause with twins there is obviously twice as much to do.) the Dr that was doing my ultrasound couldn't really find anything that was wrong with twin "a's" heart. It was hard to tell as they normally only do these types of ultrasounds of the heart between 18-22 weeks and me being 33 weeks. So what she could see, she didn't see anything odd or to worry about. But there might be a small hole in twin 'a's' heart, but that will most likely close once the baby is born. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support oh yeah and twin 'b' is fine. Ha I guess I should mention that one too. I go for another ultrasound tomorrow to see about the twins abdominal growth. Thanks again


Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Well just got back from the ultrasound and this is what's happening at 32 weeks...

Both twins are a bit behind on their abdominal growth, so we've got to keep an eye on that. The dr said that the babies are smart in that if they're not getting enough nurishment, they'll grow what's most important (ie. their brains rather than their stomachs)
She also said that my belly according to last time hasn't grown much and she said that also could be an technical error. In addition, there is a concern about twin A's hearts... it's aeorta or ventricle is smaller relative to the other. So we have an appointment with a pediatric cardiologist sometime. Just waiting for a phone call from the dr's office. Just pray for us and that everything will be ok.
