Tuesday, November 29, 2005

One Month Today

Happy One Month Anniversary to me and Matty. Well today embarks our one month wedding anniversary...and it's raining. No we aren't doing anything special, it's just one month. When I look back now, it hasn't gone too fast but kind of slow...which it's a bad thing just an observation.

Work is going very well, and I'm finally happy with the Job that I have, I really am this time. I love all my 20kids, (no cimmy and Rhubarb larva Barb they aren't my own) Ha little inside joke. Well I call them my own kids because I treat them as if they were mine. And even though they get on my nerves and drive me nuts I still wouldn't trade my job for anything. But right now at work we are getting ready for CHRISTMAS, oh man I can't wait to decorate the class room and do Christmas crafts and sing Christmas songs. Fun fun triple fun. But all in all life is great, can't complain...well I could but I don't want to.

Our Apartment is kind of decorated like christmas, we have my little christmas tree up now and our stockings and I am going to get more things from the dollar store...some day.

Do you know what else is coming up in exactly 10 days?!? Nope it's not Christmas, nope it's not your birthday... IT'S MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will 23 in 10days, how fun is that. I think it's totally fun. My mom said she is going to take me shopping for a nice shirt, because all I have is t-shirts and I don't have anything that is nice for church or family gatherings. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yeah new shirts.

My family and I aren't going gifts again this year, which is fine with me because I have everything I need and so does my family, but we still do stocking stuffers which I love, because I get little things like nail file for my purse, soap, nail polish, fun socks, and so on. And most importantly CHOCOLATE!!! Yummy.

Well that should be all for now, going to go spend sometime with my husband before he leaves for work, and I go back for my 2nd shift.

10 more days till I'm 23

Sunday, November 20, 2005

First blog as a MRS

WOW it's been a while since I've blogged. Well life's been busy. I've been married or 3 weeks and it’s good. I can't believe how fast I got use to living with Matt and having him sleep beside me every night. It's really great. So married life is good. Of course not perfect, the apartment is coming along nicely. I still have some boxes to unpack, which goes all in the spare bedroom/office, and that's about it.

I loved our wedding. Before the wedding I though ICK what a small wedding but, as the day went on I love it how small out wedding was. I got to talk to ALL my guests with out being rushed and it was the best. Nothing I would change. Especially the day of the wedding, everything went smoothly, I was early to church, and we even had time in between pictures and the hall, we had time to go to Tim Horton’s and get a coffee which was great seeing ppl reactions when I walked in. We have a website up, nothing special just of wedding pic's but I don't know what it is and I think I have to forward it through e-mail only, so I will get that to ppl asap.

Married life is good, still new but it's good. It's great because Matt loves to cook and I love to clean so it's a great thing we got going on. I don't get home from work till 6:15 and either he isn't working or he gets home before me so supper is ready and I just think it’s the greatest thing. I married and man that loves to cook...ha it doesn't get any better then that.

So for only been married for 3 weeks it seems a lot longer. Not because it's horrible but it just seems we've been married longer. Calli (our kitty) is the best; I don't know what I would do with out an animal around. Going from dog to nothing would have been hard but glad we got a kitty before we got married. She's just brat BUT she's the best.

Well gtg AFV is on now.

Signing off as a newly married woman
Mary Riker

Tuesday, November 01, 2005