Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Well had my ultrasound and everything is wonderful. Babies are great and healthy I feel so blessed and on cloud#9. Here is a pic of our babies.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Facebook has totaly taken over my life. Which isn't a bad thing...cause I've been reunited with friends from highschool and KLBC peeps and Niagara College people... but on the other hand it's like I'm always on it to find more people that I know and to see who comments on who's site. Soon this will wear off and I'll be on to the next site... or maybe not.

Matt and I did our baby registry yesterday. Fun times. No it really was. I laughed, he laughed, we all laughed. Then we went to the Pen Centre in St.Catharines and did some walking around and talking. Ahhhh good times good times. Matt has this new nickname for me: "little penguin" Which I think is my Indian name now. Oh you ask why he calls me that? It's cause I waddle like a penguin, yes I already waddle only 5 month pregnant and I look about 7 months or so. And the thing is I'm only gonna get BIGGER. Can't imgaine how large I'll get. I've been feeling lots of kicking and movement which is so amazing to feel. I feel so blessed.

Someday I will post pics of our honeymoon/one year anniversary trip. Don't hold your breath you might die, so just wait and maybe read a book or 2 or 3.

But I think this should do it for now. Later Skaters


Sunday, January 21, 2007

21 weeks

So we are back from our vacation and it was a blast and we can't wait to go back. I'll post pics some other time. But for now here is a pic of my 5 month's crazy big now.

So those are my babies. Everything is going well. I go for my 2nd ultrasound next week. Feeling Extra movement and kicking and it's so much fun. We have some baby things but nothing major yet. Need money for those things which we are saving for. Back to work tomorrow but don't know for how long. Write more later.

Mary mommy to be on twins

Monday, January 08, 2007

Disney World and Disney Cruise

This time tomorrow I will be flying my way to Disney World. eekkk how exciting. We just have to pack some more things and I'm just about to leave to do some last min laundry and then pack our little heads off. Well off I go now. Pray for us as we travel tomorrow and when we come back on he 18th. And just that we are safe some danger all around. That's all folks
